All services closing early Mar. 14 at 2 PM. Patient check-in for lab services close at 1:30 PM.

Patient Resources


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Laboratory Services

What tests require fasting?

Lab tests that generally require fasting are lipid panel and fasting blood sugar tests.

How many hours am I required to fast?

Appropriate fasting is 10-12 hours, only water can be consumed during the fasting experience.

Do I need to fast for Hemoglobin A1C?

No, you do not need to fast.

How long before my test results will be available?

Lab test turnaround time may take up to 48 hours if testing is performed here at Kimbrough. If testing is performed outside of Kimbrough, there may be a 1-2 week turnaround time.

Should I contact the Lab for my test results?

Please call the appointment line at 1-866-511-8748, a Telephone Consult will be entered to your clinic. They will return your call with lab results. Lab personnel are prohibited from releasing results directly to patients.

Will the Lab fax or mail results to my provider?

The Laboratory will not fax or mail results. Our Patient Administration Division (PAD) located across the hall in the Customer Service Center will make arrangements to mail or fax results.

Kimbrough FAQs

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.