All services scheduled to OPEN 20 MAR at 11:30 AM

Health Services



Active duty physical exams and preventive health assessments are completed at our Joint Medical Readiness Clinic.

Exams are scheduled in two phases:

Phase 1 consists of lab, vision, hearing, blood pressure and paperwork and must be completed prior to Phase 2 which is the physical examination. 

VA Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program

If you're separating or retiring from the military and plan to file for disability compensation, you can file your claim before separation through the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) program. The BDD program allows service members to apply for VA disability compensation benefits between 180 to 90 days prior to separation. This timeframe permits VA to schedule exams, review service treatment records and evaluate the claim before separation allowing VA to deliver a decision as soon as possible, sometimes as soon as the day after leaving active duty.

To be eligible for BDD, Service members must:

• Know their separation date
• File their claim between 180 and 90 days prior to separation
• Provide a copy of their Service Treatment Records (STRs) for your current period of service when you file your claim
• Be available for 45 days from the date the claim is submitted to attend VA exams

If you're less than 90 days from separation, please contact the Joint Medical Readiness Clinic to complete an Army separation physical. If you're planning to apply for VA disability, you're required to complete a Medical Assessment (DD Form 2697).

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.