Please expect longer than normal wait times at Pharmacy Sep. 3-6.  Use mobile activation for new/renewed prescriptions instead of calling. Text 'get in line' to 833-224-5456. Avoid busiest hours from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Health Services


PCS Readiness

PCS CONUS and OCONUS screening forms are completed through the Joint Medical Readiness Clinic and not your primary care provider. Please do not book an appointment through the appointment line or the patient portal. Forms can be emailed or sent via secure message.

Please allow a 7-day turnaround once your appointment is booked.

PCS Forms

For enlisted only

Please complete all administrative data in DA 5118-Reassignment Status and Election Statement, including the receiving unit name and report date, for CONUS and OCONUS moves.

For all ranks

Please complete all administrative data in DA 4036-Medical and Dental Preparation for Overseas Movement, including the receiving unit name and report date for overseas screening.

Green Out

Medical Readiness must be green through report date. Please review the information below:
  • Hearing Exam: Call 301-677-8800. Booking out is approximately 1 day, up to 50 personnel a day.
  • Vision: Walk-ins available. Appointments booked for full exam on-site if needed after screen.
  • Labs (HIV) and Immunizations: Walk-in basis. Immunizations, Monday and Fridays are preferred.
  • PHA: If PHA is needed (amber or red by report date) complete PHA Part 1 Member portion and we will complete PHA Part 2.
  • Dental: Call to schedule at the Epes Dental Clinic. Plan 60-90 days out.

Helpful Tips

EFMP: If you are taking family members overseas, ensure you start EFMP screening for all family members to avoid delays. Please use the new electronic EFMP system
Medications: Ensure you have 90 days of all medications.
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line: Referrals for care while traveling. Avoid bills with prior approval for urgent and ER care.
TRICARE: Once at your new location call TRICARE to set up care at your new duty station and avoid delays.


Contact Us


Medical Readiness Clinic Front Desk/Army


Audiology Clinic

For personnel with known hearing loss, hearing aids, hearing profiles

Dental Clinic

301-677-6078 / 6983 for appointments

Hearing Conservation Clinic

301-677-8800 for exam





Optometry Clinic


Travel Medicine



7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.