Please expect longer than normal wait times at Pharmacy Sep. 3-6.  Use mobile activation for new/renewed prescriptions instead of calling. Text 'get in line' to 833-224-5456. Avoid busiest hours from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Health Services


Deployment Readiness

Soldiers must ensure medical readiness prior to a deployment. Our Medical Readiness Clinic typically processes 5-10 deploying Soldiers per week. If there is a large group (greater than 10 Solders), please have your Personnel Office (S-1) or Unit leaders contact us with a list so we can prepare for an SRP and adequate support for Unit deployment processing.

Soldier Deployment Procedures

Medical Clearance

Soldiers must ensure their medical readiness prior to deployment. Medical Clearance begins with your Personnel office (S-1) to obtain DA Form 7425 which covers all administrative and medical areas in preparation for deployment. 

Pre-Deployment Requirements

Any Soldier deploying or going TDY to any location more than 50 miles from a Medical Treatment Facility for more than 30 days needs a deployment health assessment, ANAM TBI testing and applicable immunizations and travel medication, depending on the location, within 90 days of the departure date.  The sooner, the better to allow time to process waivers as needed through the Combatant Command Surgeons office. 

Individual Medical Readiness

Each Soldier needs to take action to ensure they are green in all medical readiness areas through the length of the deployment. You can review and track your individual medical readiness through MODS - -->  Medical Readiness Portal --> under forms (bottom left of the page) select and click to open "IMR Record" --> Options to Save or Print and add upcoming readiness dates to their calendar.   Please share this information with your fellow Soldiers.

Pre-deployment Form

You then need to complete the online pre-deployment part 1 found on the Medical Readiness Portal at Under Self-Service (Center, bottom of the page), select 'Deployment Health Assessments.' Under the section titled 'Pre-Deployment DD2795' click the 'Start New Survey' box and answer all the questions.


If the PHA is, or will be, due during your deployment, complete your PHA Part 1.  Please go to -->  Medical Readiness Portal --> Under Self Service (center bottom of the page) select "Periodic Health Assessment" --> Under the section titled "PHA Form Version 201604 (DD Form 3024)" click the "Start New Survey" box. 

We'll sign off the PHA along the pre-deployment health assessment.   Be sure to let us know you need both when you schedule your pre-deployment appointment. 

Schedule Pre-deployment Assessment 

E-mail the Medical Readiness Clinic at to schedule a pre-deployment assessment (and if needed a PHA).

Visit Immunization Clinic

Deploying Soldiers must also visit the immunization clinic. Bring a copy of your orders or PTDO to the immunization clinic to get your immunizations record updated.

Contact ANAM Representative

Deploying Soldiers must contact the ANAM representative to schedule the ANAM TBI baseline testing which is good for one year in most cases. Contact Mr. Alfred Carter at


After deployment you must complete a Post-deployment DD2796 within +/- 30 days of your return date and then a Post-Deployment Health Reassessment DD2900 within 90-180 days of your return date.  Both forms are found on the Medical Readiness Portal at .  Once the online forms are completed  e-mail the Medical Readiness Clinic mailbox to set up an appointment for completing post-deployment assessments. 


Contact Us


Medical Readiness Clinic Front Desk/Army


Audiology Clinic

For personnel with known hearing loss, hearing aids, hearing profiles

Dental Clinic

301-677-6078 / 6983 for appointments

Hearing Conservation Clinic

301-677-8800 for exam





Optometry Clinic


Travel Medicine



7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.