Health Services


Influenza Vaccine

Flu vaccines are available to active duty and TRICARE beneficiaries 6 months and older enrolled at a military facility (not enrolled in US Family Health or Johns Hopkins). Vaccines are subject to availability. DoD Civilians can get a flu shot through retail pharmacies without cost or copay as a benefit of the Federal Employee Health Benefit program.

Flu vaccines during the flu drive are administered at the McGill Training Center.

Please note: Dates for the 2024-2025 flu vaccine drive will also be posted to our Facebook page and on our Alerts page.

Information for Active Duty

For more questions about the flu vaccine or medical readiness please email the Medical Readiness Clinic.

If you receive the flu shot outside of a military treatment facility, please stop by the Immunizations Clinic or provide your documentation to your Service's Medical Readiness Clinic to update your medical records.

Navy/Marines/Coast Guard
Air & Space Force   

Contact Us




Immunizations Clinic:
7:30–11:30 a.m. &
1–3:30 p.m.


1st Floor
Across from Family Medicine

Delayed Openings

Services will have delayed openings or closures on the dates below to complete training:


Mar. 14: Close at 2 p.m.
Mar. 20: Open at 11:30 a.m.
Apr. 3: Open at 10 a.m.
May 1: Open at 10 a.m.
June 5: Open at 11:30 a.m.
July 10: Open at 10 a.m.
Aug. 7: Open at 10 a.m.
Sept. 4: Open at 11:30 a.m.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.