Patient Resources


Medical Records (Patient Administration Division)

Our Patient Administration Division (PAD) staff can assist you in many areas and includes the following departments:

Medical Records

We provide secure, efficient, and accurate management of medical records. Your medical record is used to:
  • Evaluate and treat your condition
  • Plan your care
  • Document your diagnosis, treatment, and change in condition
  • Keep your information current
  • Communicate with your health care providers
  • Assist in protecting your legal interests and those of Kimbrough, your providers, and the Defense Department
  • Justify costs incurred by third party payers
  • Accurately communicate between your health care providers and other patient services such as utilization management, risk management, quality assurance, and outside agencies.
For these reasons, it is necessary for your medical record to "live" at Kimbrough as long as you receive care at our facility.

Copies of Medical records

Our Release of Information Branch processes requests for copies of medical records and health care information from other health care institutions, patients, and their lawful representatives. As an accredited medical institution, we abide by standards and policies that ensure the privacy and confidentiality of your treatment information.  Individuals are asked to sign a release which gives the government permission to release the information that is being requested. A valid ID card is required when making request. Copies will be provided via PDF only. No paper copies will be available.

Please be sure to request copies of your entire medical record for out processing/VA benefits at least two months prior your retirement date. It takes our staff about 30 working days to complete and verify copies of medical records.

For release of medical records, including Behavioral Health notes, download and complete DD 2870- Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information. This form does not apply to Substance Use Disorder Clinic Care (SUDCC) notes.

For Substance Use Disorder Clinic Care (SUDCC) notes, complete DA Form 5018- ADAPCP Client's Consent Statement for Release of Treatment Information.

Send completed forms with photo identification using encrypted email to our organizational box. Do NOT send medical records. If you cannot encrypt the email, additional options include:

Attention: Patient Administration Division/Medical Records
2480 Llewellyn Avenue
Fort Meade, MD 20755

In- and Out-processing

If you've received Permanent Change of Station orders to the area, please stop by to be registered into our system and request that your hard copy medical records be sent from your previous unit.
If you are separating or PCS-ing from this area, please stop by for out-processing signatures.

Contact Us


PAD Customer Service
Medical Records (Active)
Medical Records (Dependents)
Release of Information
NDAA Medical Travel


7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


1A57 -1st floor, across from the lab
2480 Llewellyn Ave.
Fort Meade, MD 20755

Delayed Openings

Services will have delayed openings or closures on the dates below to complete training:


Apr. 3: Open at 10 a.m.
May 1: Open at 10 a.m.
June 5: Open at 11:30 a.m.
July 10: Open at 10 a.m.
Aug. 7: Open at 10 a.m.
Sept. 4: Open at 11:30 a.m.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.