Please expect longer than normal wait times at Pharmacy Sep. 3-6.  Use mobile activation for new/renewed prescriptions instead of calling. Text 'get in line' to 833-224-5456. Avoid busiest hours from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Patient Resources


Pastoral Care

Regimental Chapel chaplain counseling and assistance are available during normal duty hours at the various chaplain offices on the installation. After-duty assistance can be obtained by calling the post staff duty. Catholic, Protestant, Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths are observed.

The Fort Meade Religious Support Team of Chaplains, Religious Affairs Specialists, Chaplain Assistants (Army and Air Force), and Religious Program Specialists (Navy) are here to serve the wonderful Fort Meade Family. 

Fort George G. Meade Religious Support Office:

Fort George G. Meade Homepage:

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.