Please expect longer than normal wait times at Pharmacy Sep. 3-6.  Use mobile activation for new/renewed prescriptions instead of calling. Text 'get in line' to 833-224-5456. Avoid busiest hours from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Health Services


Kimbrough COVID-19 Testing Guidance

The last day of operations for our Central Screening Point was March 31. A good reference to find testing in the community is:

Central Screening Point (CSP) 

In an effort to realign our resources and due to COVID-19 changes that include no masking, our Central Screening Point ceased operations starting April 3.  Please call the Nurse Advice Line,  800-874-2273 , if you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms.

Contact Us


CSP (COVID Testing Site)

Closed as of April 3

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.