All services CLOSE EARLY 14 MAR at 2 PM. Patient check-in for lab services close at 1:30 PM.
All services OPEN 20 MAR at 11:30 AM

Health Services



Patients are referred to Same Day Surgery (SDS) by surgical specialists within the National Capital Region. Prior to outpatient surgery patients of all ages are required to have a pre-operative appointment. For more information please call 301-677-8019.

The Operating Room is a 4-room suite that supports elective outpatient surgery for the following surgical specialties:

  • Ear/Nose/Throat Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Gynecology 
  • Urology 
  • Hand Surgery 
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral Surgery 
  • Orthopedics 
  • Pediatric Dentistry 
  • Podiatry
  • Vascular
  • Plastic Surgery

The Operating Room performs over 200 cases per month using 3-4 rooms per day. Case length depends on the complexity of the surgical procedure. 

Walk-in services are available.

Surgical Patients

Please call Same Day Surgery 301-677-8800 to make a pre-admission appointment before your surgery to complete necessary paperwork, testing, and receive instructions about your procedure and the surgery process. You also need to call Same Day Surgery after 2 p.m. the day before surgery to find out your arrival time to the unit the day of surgery. The telephone number to Same Day Surgery is 301-677-8019 / 8020.  Plan to stay approximately one hour for Pre-Admission and between 4-6 hours the day of your surgery. 

All procedures require that an escort remain present at Kimbrough during the duration of the surgical procedure. 

Post-Anesthesia Care Unit and Same Day Surgery

Patients are referred to Same Day Surgery (SDS) by surgical specialists within the National Capital Region. Prior to outpatient surgery patients of all ages are required to have a pre-operative appointment. Following surgery, you will recover in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit and return to the Same Day Surgery unit.  For more information please call 301-677-8019.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are walk-in services available?


How long can I expect to stay?

Plan to stay approximately 1 hour for Pre-Admission. Plan to stay between 4-6 hours the day of your surgery.

Am I required to have an escort present during my procedure?

All procedures require that an escort remain present at Kimbrough during the duration of the surgical procedure.


Contact Us

Same Day Surgery


Appointment Line


Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.