Please expect longer than normal wait times at Pharmacy Sep. 3-6.  Use mobile activation for new/renewed prescriptions instead of calling. Text 'get in line' to 833-224-5456. Avoid busiest hours from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Health Services



General and regional anesthesia is permitted on patients with moderate systemic diseases providing that the patient’s medical conditions are well controlled and the risk for postoperative complications is considered minimal.  As a patient, you are screened by both the surgeon and anesthesia staff for your suitability as surgical outpatients at this facility.

Primary staffing consists of military and civilian. Kimbrough has a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and a team of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (Nurse with specialized training and a Master’s degree in Anesthesia Nursing) with over 70 years experience administering all types of general and regional anesthesia, as well as moderate and deep sedation.

Anesthesia care involves preoperative, intra-operative, and postoperative assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation. Care depends on the complexity of the surgical procedure and the individual physiological, psychosocial, and teaching needs of the patient. The surgeons, anesthesia providers, peri-operative nursing staff and Post-Anesthesia/Same Day Surgery nursing staff work collaboratively to provide optimal care for the surgical patient.

The Anesthesia staff will meet with you prior to going to surgery to discuss the anesthesia choices and concerns that you may have. The anesthesia provider will stay in the room until the surgery is completed and then transfer you to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit; where you are held until you finish waking up and to receive pain medications immediately following the completion of surgery.

The KACC Anesthesia Service routinely provides all commonly used techniques of general anesthesia and most types of nerve blocks. These nerve blocks are achieved by administering local anesthesia around the nerves that provide sensation to the area being operated on. Several surgical procedures can be safely managed with monitored anesthesia care, otherwise known as I.V. sedation.

Questions and Concerns

Feel free to call Same Day Surgery at 301-677-8800, visit their web page, or stop by to pick up a brochure regarding frequently asked questions. 
To learn about the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and information regarding possible pre-operative questions, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists has an excellent website.
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